To attract and retain customers and employees and to mobilise other players in your region
Get the right organisations together
Use the assets of your place: natural assets, symbols of pride (public art, football, music), retail facilities. Address vulnerabilities to remove barriers
Work across the place economy without relying on organisational hierarchy
Let others lead, enable a ‘system’ capacity to evolve and develop
New skills are needed. The conditions you create are as important as the change you make
Technological change is transforming opportunities to improve your customer experience or your relationship with customers
Use customer data more effectively. Try new things. Where there are benefits invest and scale quickly.
Honesty, openness, transparency, authenticity.
Innovation needs to be nurtured and encouraged rather than tightly controlled
Manage innovation and create the right organisation for it to flourish
Allow control over learning, environment and working patterns to increase innovation
To attract and retain customers and employees and to mobilise other players in your region
Get the right organisations together
Use the assets of your place: natural assets, symbols of pride (public are, football, music), retail facilities. Address vulnerabilities to remove barriers
Work across the place economy without relying on organisational hierarchy
Let others lead, enable a ‘system’ capacity to evolve and develop
New skills are needed. The conditions you create are as important as the change you make
Innovation needs to be nurtured and encouraged rather than tightly controlled
Manage innovation and create the right organisation for it to flourish
Allow control over learning, environment and working patterns to increase innovation
Technological change is transforming opportunities to improve your customer experience or your relationship with customers
Use customer data more effectively. Try new things. Where there are benefits invest and scale quickly.
Honesty, openness, transparency, authenticity.