The Surrey County Council (SCC) Business Operations Service (HR, Payroll and Finance transactional services) had recently transitioned from a Shared Service arrangement. Upon repatriating there were a number of demands on the service provision which needed to be addressed. This included a challenging budget position with an overspent budget pressure of £1.2m and an additional Schools & Academies payroll trading provision at significant risk with a declining customer base.
31ten was commissioned to design a Business Operations Transformation programme and to support SCC to create a business change approach to develop a new operating model with supporting savings proposals to achieve the reduction of significant budget pressures for financial years 22/23 and 23/24.
We initially developed an invest to save business case to develop a programme team of a programme manager, project managers, business change managers, a communications and engagement manager and a project support officer. The business case required an investment of £500k to recruit a fixed-term team to deliver 4 workstreams:
We co-designed the programme to ensure all opportunities for savings and growth proposals, including income-generating opportunities, were assessed.
Once recruited, the programme team were managed by our Programme Director, and we undertook a regular programme of engagement which included a monthly stakeholder programme board in addition to directorate workshops, regular 1:1s with the Directors and Heads of Service, weekly check-ins with assistant directors and monthly reviews with the executive director.
Brendon Kavanagh
Commercial Transformation Programme Director, Surrey County Council