Capital Programme Reviews

Take a look at your capital programme through a new lens

In a fiscally constrained landscape, local authorities are having to make increasingly tough decisions about their medium and long-term financial strategies.

Getting the governance and decision-making process right is the key to optimising what funding is available for capital projects, and maximising your return on spending to deliver the best outcomes.

Enhancing oversight of your Capital Programme and establishing a more strategic approach to capital investment decisions can allow improved understanding of areas of capital need, support the acceleration of projects that deliver against organisation priorities and enable better allocation of resources.

We work closely and collaboratively with our clients, through stakeholder engagement and a workshop approach to identify and build upon best practices to develop a Strategic Capital Programme Framework.

We consciously strive to give our clients the tools to effectively manage their capital programme into the longer term.

31ten has recently undertaken a review of Kingston Council's capital strategy and capital programme processes. They engaged well with key officers across the different service areas and quickly got to grips with the key challenges and issues facing the programme. They were completely flexible with their approach, pausing to help us improve our existing capital strategy document despite only being an early way into their review. They bring a range of experience and different ways of looking at things to the table which we found extremely helpful as part of this review.

Lyndsey Gamble, Kingston Council

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