31ten is committed to knowledge sharing as part of our broader ethos of collaborating with clients to deliver sustainable change, meaningful impact, and better outcomes. Our involvement with the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) has focused on sharing insights and lessons from our work with member services and, at the same time creating opportunities for discussion around different approaches and challenges across the sector.
In the Spring of 2023, we presented at the NFCC Culture Conference alongside Surrey Fire & Rescue Service colleagues. With over 170 attendees, the Culture Conference was one of the highest-ever attended events hosted by the NFCC. We shared insights and lessons from two phases of cultural change work with Surrey FRS, including what worked well, things we’d do differently, direct feedback from staff, and measures of success.
Following our presentation at the Culture Conference there was a strong interest for further open discussion around cultural change approaches across the FRS sector. In Summer 2023, we hosted a joint roundtable discussion with the NFCC and Surrey FRS. 20+ attendees representing 15+ Services joined the discussion. The session covered a range of key insights and culture change lessons shared by attendees, all of which were captured and shared with colleagues across the sector through the visual notes (see below).
In Spring 2024, we were approached by the NFCC to present a masterclass on cultural improvement, specifically focused on “making cultural change real”. The session was attended by 145 service leaders across the FRS sector, bringing a breadth of experience that allowed for meaningful engagement and discussion.
We’re looking forward to continuing our collaboration with the NFCC as culture efforts remain a core focus across the FRS sector.
For more information on our work with the Fire & Rescue sector, speak to Henry: henry.porter@31tenconsulting.co.uk