About the event:
We recognise that local authorities continue to face accommodation challenges across areas of demand and need. Despite this, there often remain assets or portfolios that are under-utilised.
In areas such as London, this is now true of the school estate where falling pupil numbers are creating cost pressures on school and council budgets and a number of schools are now underutilised or planned for closure. However, exploring opportunities and agreeing options for the future of these assets often happens in a piecemeal, time-consuming and sometimes cost-prohibitive way.
We believe there is an opportunity to repurpose these assets to address areas of demand and need. For example, to address shortages such as temporary accommodation or to increase special school provision or social care accommodation.
In this session, we’ll explore this topic further, discussing the barriers that are regularly faced, how you overcome these and showcase how through emerging technology, you can fast-track the optioneering process.